The Gresham Lecture Series

From 2014 to 2018, I delivered four series of evening lectures at Gresham College as the Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Commerce at Gresham College. I tried to explain basic economic thinking at these lectures and apply them to current problems we confronted. They were filmed and I provide the links to each lecture series below. Each series comprised 6 separate one hour lectures. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Money, Monetary Policy and Central Banks: The Meeting of Art and Science

  1. From Gold to Paper and Back Again

  2. The Great Depression and its Legacy

  3. Fine Tuning Out of Control

  4. The Science of Monetary Policy

  5. Where the Great Experiment went Wrong

  6. The New Art of Central Banking

Some Macroeconomic Puzzles: Conjectural Refutations

  1. The Costs of Business Cycles

  2. The Equity Premium and Low Interest Rates

  3. The Carry Trade and Uncovered Interest Rate Parity

  4. Why Doesn't Capital Flow From High To Low?

  5. The Efficient Markets Hypothesis

  6. Assessing the Economic Risks from Brexit

Where are we after the Storm? The UK Economy in the Aftermath of Financial Crisis

  1. Recession and Recovery

  2. Employment and Unemployment

  3. Macroeconomics, Capitalism and Inequality

  4. Debt and the Household Balance Sheet

  5. The External Financing Position

  6. The Policy Responses

Blueprint For Brexit Britain

  1. The Productivity Puzzle

  2. Mobilising Savings for Investment

  3. The Housing Market

  4. The Structure of Finance

  5. Regional, Industrial and Infrastructure Policies

  6. The British Economy: Can We Build a Successful Future?